Friday, July 9, 2010


i miss touching him. i felt the same way with ezekiel. my arms feel empty. and cassidy is so kind about letting me hold her and kiss her. she gives the tightest squeezes when she hugs, but her three year old body is so different from his. i miss his long skinny arms and knobby knees. i miss his gigantic feet. i miss his blue eyes. i miss his spikey buzz cut hair. i miss the wax in his ears. i miss cutting his fast-growing nails. i miss his bloody noses and boogers. i miss his mile-long eyelashes. i miss his belly sticking out after a big meal. i miss his muscley legs. i miss his sweet cheeks and big lips. i miss his belly button, a little bit of an outy. i really miss brushing his teeth. and even here cass has been so kind; she used to brush her teeth on her own while i brushed wyatt's. now she lets me brush her teeth if i ask her.

so much is missing. the house is quieter, tidier, more boring. no lego ships, no swords, no apple cores sitting around anymore. it feels so empty.


  1. I think empty is a good word to describe that feeling. Or even hollow. And yes, I miss his sweet cheeks too.


  2. oh precious momma, i hear your heart. i don't have any fancy words for you, but i want you to know you are heard and your words are felt. your heart is so valuable and i'm so honored that you are sharing it with us. may you feel His presence in this absence...and may you feel blessed in new ways every day.

  3. my heart aches for you reading this post... you described him only as a mother can. Thanks for sharing your detailed descriptions... i miss too...

  4. i can't imagine. i feel a little empty when ty goes back to school in the fall. i pray that these beautiful details of wyatt remain fresh and dear to you until you meet him again.

  5. I miss chasing him down and tickling him. He would laugh SO hard. He has a great laugh. Just like his momma. I miss playing with him! I miss seeing his imagination in action. I can see him in Cass. Your little soldiers.

  6. I miss his presence when I am in the house. One night after dinner at your house, Cass was reading me books and Wyatt was pretending to be different types of animals. A cheetah, or lion, etc. He would lay down and 'sleep' then get up and keep playing. The other night Cass was reading to me and baby doll Cassidy (is that what she always calls her?) and it was really sweet. It's fun playing with her. Just being with her because lets be honest, I wasn't doing a whole lot just sitting there. It's where I wanted to be, though.
