Wednesday, August 4, 2010

At 9:15 this morning Cassie was still quiet in her room. I laid in bed and waited. I waited to hear the thud of her feet on the floor, the quick little steps and then the door creaking open, and slamming closed. I'm not sure why she closes the door behind her. Perhaps it is to keep Yuma off of her rug. Perhaps it is out of habit, like on the rare occassion that she would get up before Wyatt.

I tell fear to leave, I trust that Cassie is ok.

I wrote this down in my journal a week ago, to remember in the hard times:
I believe G-d is good. He will provide for me emotionally, physically, mentally and financially. I trust these things are true. I believe they are true. G-d took Wyatt; it was not an accident. It was His timing and His way. I will see Wyatt again.

The clock turned 9:20, those five minutes lasting hours, and Cassie came out of her room and crawled into bed with me.


  1. keep clinging to your faith and what you know is true. you're right. you will see wyatt again.

  2. you are such a strong and brave woman. what an inspiration. thank you for sharing with us and reminding us of His sovereignty. reminding us that His ways are good...even when we don't understand. bless you, my friend. we love you.

  3. your transparency speaks volumes. what your wrote in your journal spoke truth to me... thanks for ministering to me today.

  4. you are being lifted up in prayer everyday, to keep your absolutely amazing faith. truly, you are a witness to us all. i am a friend of sarah's who has never met you, but thinks and prays for you and your family and believes so firmly that you are right- you will see your boys again. keep the faith. God bless you.
