Friday, September 2, 2011

The 4th of Elul

Today, according to the Hebrew calendar, is Ezekiel's heavenly birthday. The gospel reading for this week, according to Kingdom Living, is John 11 -- The Resurrection of Lazarus.

This last week my inner Mary and Martha duked it out. By nature I am a doer; accomplishing tasks is easy and enjoyable for me. Assembling support letters and the details that went into that was a great job for me. Designing a web-site, writing our story and ministry purpose was fun. But if it's not on my checklist then it's hard for me. And spending time with the L-rd is one of those things that doesn't feel right to put on a checklist. As I was jogging today I listened to a song from Matt Gilman and the words of the chorus are: What are you doing? Where are you going? You were made to sit at His table.

This is not just for me folks. Go read John 11, because you were made to sit at His table.


  1. You always seem to hit the truth bullseye. Wham.

  2. Leah, I so identify with the side of you that you shared here. That doer side that finds it easy and rewarding to involve and work towards things. And I have also had the Lord remind me that it's my heart He desires, and being and resting and letting go of task and measuring accomplishment and output are important for me. It's remembering that He made me to be a Martha with a mary's heart.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I like that analysis, a Martha with a Mary's heart. Thanks for reading and sharing, ladies.
